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28th May 2022

Online Event

PEEP meetings aim at promoting classroom-based research and teacher research in primary English education in Portugal. They are organised annually (except in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic) by a higher education institution in Portugal that is part of the PEEP network. This year the online event will be hosted by the Institute of Education, Universidade do Minho (Braga, Campus de Gualtar). It will take place on the 28th of May 2022


 Registration Until May 26th

Abstract submission: until April 30th


Member of Scientific Committee: Free

Presenter: Free

Attendant: 10€ (Early-bird); 20€ (after May 15)

(Dear attendants, please save the proof of payment obtained at the UMinho Store as it is needed for the registration)

Para poder efetuar o pagamento na UMInho Store, deve seguir os seguintes passos:

> 1.       No topo da página deverá clicar na opção “REGISTE - SE” para proceder ao registo no Portal da “UMinho Store”;

> 2.       Após o registo deve aceder novamente a, iniciar a sessão no topo da página e proceder à inscrição no Encontro.

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